Plast Carton Fruit Box
Fruits and vegetables and leeks in general are among the foods that are in people’s daily baskets. Using a proper box designed to transport vegetables can significantly reduce their losses and maintain their freshness and quality for a longer period of time.
Therefore, not only the quality of the product itself is very important, but also the type of material and quality of the product used in the packaging of these items is more important. Carton Plast fruit box is important in terms of packaging health in this regard. It is made entirely of first-hand petrochemical materials and is not made from recycled materials, waste and other plastic products that are sometimes very polluted and dirty.
Compared to plastic boxes and cardboard boxes made of cellulose, Carton Plast is not only hygienic but also approved by the Ministry of Health, but it is also very stylish in appearance and has the ability to advertise for farmers and producers. This product is completely waterproof due to its structure and the low humidity and temperature of the refrigerator has no effect on it, so farmers can not only use this product for their target market, but even if they want to store their products in the refrigerator for a while. They can safely use these boxes for this purpose.
Here are some of the benefits of these boxes:
* Easy transportation: Transportation of fruits and vegetables is still one of the main problems of this class. But with the use of Carton Plast fruit box, there will be no more worries about this issue. In terms of beauty, durability, price and Most importantly, the hygiene of these boxes has solved all the problems. This has a very positive effect not only on the domestic trade of fruits and vegetables, but also on their export abroad.
* Export according to international standards: At present, the export of fruits and vegetables must be in accordance with international standards. The principle of Plast carton boxes is to maintain quality with the best conditions for protection against infection and in accordance with international standards. Countries whose fruits and vegetables are marketed using these boxes have achieved good global marketing for their products.
Contact us for advice and more information:
Phone: 7-33745145-044